Here are some things to know about the things going on around the church:
Communion – All are Welcome!: It doesn’t matter whether you belong to the church or not, you are welcome to participate in communion.
Wine or Grape Juice: Both wine or grape juice are available on each communion tray. The grape juice ins always in the center glasses. If you wish to have grape juice all you need to do is ask the communion assistant and it will be given.
Offering Envelopes: If you do not have any and you are attending worship, you can just put your offering in one of the envelopes found in the narthex or any plain envelope and put your name on it and it will be recorded. Please contact the church office of you would like to receive regular offering envelopes.
Gift Card Program: Gift cards are sold after each service. These are the same gift cards that you purchase directly from stores. The difference here is that the church earns a percentage of the sales and these good-as-cash cards can be used for your regular shopping. They make great gifts and some stores even accept the gift cards as payment on credit card accounts. Plus there are never any activation fees. You get what you pay for.
Aluminum Cans: We recycle them for you! Please drop off your cans into the container on the side of the garage and we will take care of the rest.
Eye Glasses and Hearing Aids: If you have old, unwanted, can’t wear anymore eye glasses or hearing aids, consider dropping them into the Lion’s Club box located in the entryway of the church. All Saints works with the Lion’s Club to collect these items which can be recycled to those in need.
Food Pantry: All Saints Lutheran Church’s food pantry serves many people within the community. There is a shopping cart in the narthex. If you would like to donate non-perishable food, that’s where you can place your items.
Hospitalizations: Federal law restricts the disclosure of patient information by hospitals. Therefore, if you are hospitalized and want the Pastor to know, it is important for you or your family to inform us as soon as possible.
Swap Board: Are you looking for a used item of some kind or have something that is too good to toss and would like to pass on to someone else? Contact Margaret Coonan at 414 764-3197 to give her your “needs” and/or “give-aways” and she will coordinate the listings in the Revealer each month.